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Volunteers contribute to the international women's day 2022

Juri is doing a BFD with the education project QUBE and was present with a speech at the feminist demonstration on 8 March in Greifswald. International volunteer Burcu produced contributions for the radio. Listen and read more...

8 March is known as "International Women's Day". In Greifswald, it was celebrated in 2022 as the Day of Feminist Fights. With a walking demonstration in the evening and many different events as part of action weeks organised by the local feminist group Neonlila. The Turbina volunteers were also there!

Juri is doing a federal voluntary service with the educational project QUBE and was present at the demo on 8 March in Greifswald with a speech on the queer-feminist perspective. BFD volunteer Leonie helped with the texting.


I asked myself: Am I in the position to talk about feminism as a trans* masculine person?
That's why we will be talking about the queer feminist perspective now and why feminism is for all FLINTA* people. (...)

What is feminism?
To put it very simply: movements against the patriarchy.
And what are FLINTA* people?
Women, lebian, inter*, non-binary, trans* and agender people. Or: people who get discriminated because of the patriarchy.

Juri recorded the whole speech again for the radio programme VeRa by verquer. You can listen to it here.

And not only Juri's speech, but many other exciting voices and contributions to the topic of feminist struggles worldwide! Burcu was involved in the production of two programmes on the topic. She is an international volunteer in the European Solidarity Corps programme and has been part of many VeRa broadcasts.

In the Show No. 1 she reported on the Istanbul Convention.

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