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03. Apr. 2023

Apply Now! Open Positions in September 2023

High school graduation on the horizon? The end of your education is approaching? Or you just want to do something completely different for a year and get to know new perspectives? A volunteer year is always a good idea. Apply now for our vacancies from summer 2023...

28. Oct. 2022

Shaping change together - the kick-off seminar of the new volunteer group

What does voluntary service have to do with the economy? What approaches to a sustainable economy already exist, and what is actually a "good life for all"?

Great questions that we took with us to our first seminar of the volunteer year 2022/23.

05. Sep. 2022

Movie evening "Der laute Frühling" (the noisy spring) on 12th September 2022 at Straze

We are showing the film "The Noisy Spring" as part of the STRAZE Kino. A film about the necessary fundamental transformations towards a sustainable world. Beginning: 8pm, entrance fee 3/5/7 €, Original with English subtitles

[Translate to English:]
05. Sep. 2022

Friendsheep - Seminar Movie

A small follow-up to our final seminar of the volunteer year 2021/22 is this film - with perspectives and thoughts of the volunteers from the seminar and their year in volunteering, and impressions of our work at Turbina Pomerania.

20. Jul. 2022

Last but not least...

...a short report from our final seminar in Glashagen (14-17 June)