Change the world?
We start with voluntary service
We would like to see better regional networking in Western Pomerania (in German: "Vorpommern") and across international borders. We live and work in a region from which many people leave and to which only few move. We want to make a small contribution to changing that. We are interested in human rights, culture, environmental education, global learning, sustainability, peace, environmental protection, and emancipation, and we want to bring together those who live and do so in Western Pomerania. We want to strengthen civil society in our region while taking a global perspective.
We support volunteers to get involved in the issues that are close to their hearts. We accompany them and our hosting organizations and enable them to gain new experiences. We also help groups and institutions to become hosting placements for voluntary service.
Specifically, we work with the programs of the German Federal Volunteering Service ("Bundesfreiwilligendienst") and the European Solidarity Corps (formerly European Voluntary Service), as well as with many committed hosting organizations and volunteers.
Essential for this goal are several seminar weeks throughout each year when the volunteers and representatives of hosting organizations meet.
We are a project within the association "Kultur- und Initiativenhaus Greifswald e.V.".
As an association, our goal is to establish a place for educational and cultural activities in Greifswald. We have reconstructed and are now operating the former society house Stralsunder Straße 10, the STRAZE. Other projects within our association are the educational project verquer., the "Eine-Welt-Promoter*innenprogramm" and the Partnership for Democracy, as well as the coordination of the event series "weltwechsel".
Currently the Turbina Pomerania team are Claudia, Hanna, Romy and Sarina.
In 2020, a brochure was created, which can be read online or downloaded as a PDF. The brochure describes the development of Turbina Pomerania, we present methods and concepts, and volunteers as well as hosting organizations have their say. The brochure is published in German, English and Polish.