[druckkammer] is a printing project situated in STRAZE in Greifswald. There's always something happening there, either printing t-shirts, making sketchbooks or just talking, creating and laughing with the accompanying concert in the background.
[druckkammer] is about "creating". Our idea is to come everyday with new ideas, help people express through art and teach everything we know about printmaking, papermaking and all the other aspects of art we've got the knowledge about.
So how's it looking in our daily life?
First of all it's full of people. The doors of [dk] are always open. Sometimes it means workshops, at least once a week open hours, presentations at schools, supporting local markets or fairs and so on. We are also cooperating with different projects, like the educational project verquer. It's a good example to show what's very important for [druckkammer] and it's discussing and commenting on current social issues. How are we doing it? The process is simple- find the topic, discuss, print. That's it.
As a volunteer you'd work in a small German-English speaking team. It means working together with people but also being independent and responsible for your own tasks so from time to time it's also about finding the work that needs to be done and managing the time on your own.
[druckkammer] is a perfect place for you if you like to work with people, you're interested in art, want to learn something new everyday and have the will and energy to talk about what you think is important.
What's good to know for you as a future volunteer:
- You'll get a space and time to realize your own projects
- You'll work with different people- groups, individuals, youngsters and older ones
- You'll be a part of the team with equal rights
- You'll learn how to properly prepare workshop for printing and which chemicals use to clean afterwards
- You'll be a part of preparing exhibitions, creating motives for different projects and finding new ways to work with participants of [dk]'s workshops
You're welcome to come to [dk] and meet us (if you live nearby) or have a look at our work on Instagram (@_druckkammer_)!